Early Japan Midterm Essays (2009)

Hist524: Early Japan
Fall 2009
Jonathan Dresner
Midterm Exam Essay Questions
Due Monday, October 19, Noon
20% of Course Grade


  1. Using the documents, describe how the role of women in the samurai class changes over time.
  2. Explain the rise and fall of the shōen system, with citations to the documents which support your argument.
  3. How does the role of the Emperor change over time? Is there any point at which you’d say the Emperor fits our image of an absolute monarch?
  4. How does the Japanese view of law change over time? This is not a question about changes in law and government, but about attitudes towards those rules and the institutions which enact them.
  5. Compare and contrast the social and cultural values — not the instructions — presented in three of the following documents: Prince Shotoku’s 17-article Constitution (II.1), the Goseibai Shikimoku (IV.26), the Chosokabe House Law (VII.6), the Buke Shohatto (VIII.2)
  6. Explain the relationship between leader and follower in the samurai class. What are the key responsibilities and rights of each? How do these change over time?


  • This test covers the entire semester to date, including all readings and lectures.
    • Don’t assume that “an answer” will be easily found in one section of one book. These essays require broad knowledge and analytical thinking. Among other things, this means that questions that look simple generally require a second look.
    • Don’t make broad general statements without details: the key to successful historical analysis is that the evidence supports the argument being made.
    • You have weeks to think about these questions. Don’t leave it to the last minute.
    • I am expecting two real essays, with introductions, thesis, paragraphs, conclusions, etc.
  • This assignment is worth 20% of your course grade.
    • The grade is based primarily on the strength of your argument as an answer to the question: thesis, evidence (completeness and handling), logic.
    • Clarity is crucial; structure is essential to a clear and effective argument.
    • Be careful to address all parts of the question: when asked to pick between two choices, for example, it’s not enough to say what the positive argument for your side is without discussing the possible arguments for the other side.
  • Citations and Plagiarism
    • failure to acknowledge the source of your ideas or information is unacceptable.
    • A Works Cited or Bibliography is not required unless you use sources outside of the course materials. You must cite the source of information and ideas that are outside of “general knowledge,” including information from your course texts. Format of the notes is up to you: I prefer footnotes for my research, but parenthetical citations are fine as well; any format as long as it clearly identifies the source and page of your information.
    • These questions can be answered more than adequately with reference to assigned readings and lectures. You are welcome to do more research and include outside sources, but you must be sure that they are relevant and of sufficient quality to enhance your argument. Using outside sources instead of relevant course materials will be penalized.
  • Technical Details
    • Make sure that your name, e-mail address and the question are clearly indicated at the beginning of the essay. Title pages are not required.
    • There is neither a minimum nor a maximum length for these essays, but I would be shocked if you could answer any of them in less than 1000 words and surprised if you needed more than 3000.
    • Correct spelling and writing in grammatical standard English are expected. Minor errors are acceptable; substantial quantities of errors will affect your grade.
    • Double-spacing and title pages are not required, but readable type and font are.