Japan Since 1700 (Spring 2009)

Jonathan Dresner
Office: Russ Hall 406F
Office Hours: MWF 10-11, 1-2; TuTh 10-12

Administrative Deadlines and Instructional Holidays are in Italics

Assignments and Tests are in Bold

Readings are by chapter and should be done before class on the assigned day.



1/15 (Th) Classwork begins
1/16 (F) First Day of Class
1/19 (M) MLK Day/Instructional Holiday
1/21 (W) Gordon, Introduction
1/22 (Th) Last day for full fee refund
Last day to add new classes
Last day for late enrollment
1/23 (F) Gordon 1, “The Tokugawa Polity”
1/26 (M) Gordon 2, “Social and Economic Transformations”
Geography Quiz
1/28 (W) Saikaku, Introduction and Appendices II and III
Final day for dropping course without grade report
1/30 (F) Saikaku, “Five Women Who Chose Love”
2/2 (M) Saikaku, “The Life of an Amorous Woman,” pp. 121-164
2/4 (W) Saikaku, “The Life of an Amorous Woman,” pp. 164-208
2/6 (F) Saikaku, “The Eternal Storehouse of Japan” and “Reckonings that Carry Men Through The World”
2/9 (M) Gordon 3, “The Intellectual World of the Late Tokugawa”
2/11 (W) Fukuzawa, I, II, III, IV
2/13 (F) Gordon 4, “The Overthrow of the Tokugawa” (Bakumatsu Chronology)
2/16 (M) Fukuzawa, V, VI, VII, VIII
President’s Day/ No Holiday
2/18 (W) Gordon 5, “The Samurai Revolution” (Meiji Charter Oath)
2/20 (F) Gordon 6, “Participation and Protest”
2/23 (M) Meiji Constitution
2/25 (W) Instructor Ill
2/27 (F) Fukuzawa, IX, X, XI
3/2 (M) Gordon 7, “Social, Economic and Cultural Transformations”
3/4 (W) Fukuzawa, XII, XIII, XIV, XV
3/6 (F) Gordon 8, “Empire and Domestic Order” (Chronology of Imperial Age)
3/9 (M) Midterm Q’s due
3/11 (W) Gordon 9, “Economy and Society”
3/13 (F) Gordon 10, Democracy and Empire between the World Wars”
3/16-20 D/F Grades Due
Spring Break
3/23 (M) Gordon 11, “The Depression Crisis and Responses”
3/25 (W) Gordon 12, “Japan in Wartime”
3/27 (F) Japan at War, Part One
Bibliography Project Proposal Due
3/30 (M) Japan at War, Part Two
4/1 (W) Japan at War, Part Three
4/3 (F) Japan at War, Part Four
4/6 (M) Japan at War, Part Five
4/8 (W) Gordon 13, “Occupied Japan: New Departures and Durable Structures”
4/10 (F) 1947 Constitution
Biography Project Bibliography and Outline Due
Final day for dropping course unless withdraw from school
4/13 (M) Japan at War, Part Six
4/15 (W) Gordon 14, Economic and Social Transformations”
4/17 (F) Gordon 15, “Political Struggles and Settlements of the High-Growth Era”
4/20 (M) absent
4/22 (W) Haruko’s World.
4/24 (F) Gordon 16, “Global Power in a Polarized world: Japan in the 1980s”
4/27 (M) The Secrets of Mariko, to 178
Biography Essay Draft Due
4/29 (W) The Secrets of Mariko, 179-end
5/1 (F) Gordon 17, “Beyond the Postwar Era”
5/4 (M) Student Presentations
5/6 (W) Biography Project Final Draft Due
5/7 Last day to withdraw from university
5/8 (F) Catch-up/Review
5/15 Final Exam, Due 2pm.


Attendance, Preparation and Participation 20%
Geography Quiz 5%
Biography Project 20%
Midterms 25%
Final Exam 30%